Stencils and Sandpaper... the side table experiment

11:33 AM

Im a sucker for garage sales... this should surprise no one.  Granted, I don't always "have" to get something at every sale (there have been many, many, MANY times I have walked away with nothing) but there ARE times when I find a deal too good to resist.

Enter this little side table/night stand I scored for $2...

Yes, two dollars... as in 8 quarters, or 20 dimes, or 40 nickels... ... ... cheaper than a 5-layer burrito at Taco Bell.

True, it did need a little love but for $2 I figured I could have some fun with it.

First step, as always, is priming... (after sanding down all the icky lacquer off of course)
Oh fun fact... this is one of my new favorite tools... a spray can handle

Chris brought it for me at Home Depot for $4 (I think) and it just pops right on any spray can.  Definitely makes it easier to control the spray AND doesnt get your fingers all dirty!  I lovingly call it my sidekick...

Back to the project, here is my little table all nice, primed, and spray painted a semi-gloss white...
Cute, but it definitely needed some attidude.

I found this scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby a couple weeks back, but I always thought it would be cool to use as a one-time stencil (...its only a thick paper cut out).
Since I wanted to keep the rest of the table white, I taped around the edges of the top to prevent color from getting everywhere I didnt want.

Color selection: Lagoon
Kinda like a sexy blue-ish teal... and this table needed a little sexy...

Since I was stenciling the top, I figured I might as well do the bottom part as well... even though my stencil didnt fit, I cut it down to a more manageable pattern...
Apologies for the picture... I now know grey on grey carport wont really show... duh.

Here's a better picture of it actually on the table to give you a better idea.
I also wrapped the legs in tape to prevent the spray paint from getting all over the place.... Let's take a second and marvel over my "expertise" of tape wrapping... ... ... ... yes, my inner 4 year old really went to town...

After the spray and removal of the stencil, I really liked what I saw...
And here's the whole thing...
Nice, yes, but still not "it"...

To me, it just felt a little plain and like something Ive done 100x before... I wanted to take this $2 table a little further.

So, I decided to sand it down... with a super high-grit sandpaper (220 to be exact) to see if I could get a "weathered" look to it...

So I brought it inside and dressed it up a bit...
As with everything, Rocky had final inspection...
And who doesnt love a yellow flying pig standing on books?
And here is the side by side for yea...

I think using the high grit sandpaper and shabby chic-ing some of the edges really helped keep this piece looking antique-ie, but still warm and up to date.

I'm pretty sure Im going to put this sucker bed-side and am totally drooling over some of the Lamps at Lighting-lamps-chandeliers:

Like this pretty Mother of Pearl orb lamp...
 ...seriously, drooling.

or maybe just keeping it in my office with a fun/funky mirror.  Vanietys on the Web has a TON of options that I love playing with:

Like this one... LOVE the romantic shape!!
Decisions, decisions...

The whole project itself was definitely different for me, but so far, I really like it.  What do you guys think?  Would you have just left it as-is after spraying the stencil?  Would you have done another color besides "Lagoon"?  Have you ever tried something out of your "zone" on a cheap garage sale find? Would you go with a table lamp or pretty mirror? I would love to hear!!

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  1. It turned out great! I love a great deal! I just bought that spray paint handle too. Megan

  2. AHHH! CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!! Why do you have to jingle my inspiration bells when it's raining though? I want to paint something now :-)

  3. Sweet find and a score at $2. It turned out great too! This is the type of side table i'm looking for to put by my couch. I have a wicker type one but my daughter is constantly getting something down in the wicker parts and it's horrible to clean. Time for it to go. It would be sweet if we could find one on the cheap but we may end up building one instead. Love the flying pig, too cute.


  4. This is AWESOME! I totally love that lil flying pig!

  5. So adorable, it turned out great, and you can't go wrong with the price. Love that flying pig, where did you get it from?

    1. The World Trade Center here in Dallas... he was a showroom sample... sorry I know that really doesnt help, but I HAVE seen very similar ones at Z Gallerie! Here's the link: Spray paint him whatever color you want!

  6. I love how it turned out. I probably would have used a green or pink color instead of the blue. I don't have much blue in my house.

  7. Oh my, I love the project but I want that flying piggy-lol!! You can throw in the cute boxer doggie too. Actually I really like the new spray handle, what a great idea. I too hate getting the paint all over my fingers. All in all a quick project and looks fantastic in your home.

  8. That looks great! I love the stencils on both levels. I've never tried to "weather" any of my projects but have definitely wanted to...I'll keep the 220 grit in mind!

  9. I love it! Just curious, how did you get the stencil to stay put while you sprayed? Holly M

    1. Holly, I used Elmer's spray adhesive which you can find at Michaels or Joann's for around $4-$5. It comes in a spray paint-looking can and is great for just temporary adhesive. Careful though, it gets really sticky!

  10. That looks fantastic! It looks like something you would buy in a little boutique store. You did a great job with that table and I can't believe you got it for only $2.

    I hope you'll stop by my link party. I just started it a couple weeks ago.

  11. What a gorgeous transformation! You did a beautiful job and I LOVE the blue!

  12. OMGosh! That is one cute table now! And, I love your yellow flying pig! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from DIY Home Sweet. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  13. Holy Transformation! This turned out so beautiful. I love seeing before and after pictures and yours is great.

  14. Great little table and the transformation is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  15. Awesome! I love your vision! The color is great. I've used that Lagoon some too. I'd love for you to share this at my party, Twirl & Take a Bow at It's every Tuesday through Sunday. Hope you can stop by!

  16. Great $2 table! Love the weather look you came up wiht at the end...
    The dog likes it too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  17. I am loving this table! The sanding added the perfect touch. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  18. What a cute stencil idea! Your table is darling! And I have one of those spray paint handles too - they are great!

  19. This is an 'oh wow'. Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for linking it up at our linky party at

  20. The table looks great. One question if you can answer for me please. What did you do with the paper, did you cut out all the scrolls to make a stencil? I am a little confused on how you did that part. I would love to know because I see alot of scrap paper that I love the design and would love to use as a stencil. I love stenciled pieces.
    Best wishes

    1. Debra,
      The scrapbook paper was actually already cut out. I did cut it to make it a little smaller for the bottom shelf but the top stencil is exactly how it came out of the packaging. Cut out and all... I hope this helps!

  21. Amazing, it´s a pity that I haven´t found this before. I´m four years late!! Anyway I´ve tried to find this really cute paper cut out at hobby lobby but they don´t have it now.


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