Gift Card winner and new chair experiment

9:16 AM

First of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all those who entered the Home Depot gift card giveaway!  Via, the winner is Liz M!  Thank you so much for all those who entered!!  It was a really fun giveaway and I'm so glad let me be a part of it!

So this project is pretty out of the box for me... but I always love trying something new, so why the heck not.

I found this chair at an estate sale for $17.50 (I bundled it with another chair for $35).

 I liked the bones but wasn't necessarily something I would pick for our house.  However, it totally reminded me of a chair I saw on one of my favorite blogs (and I'm sure it's yours too) Young House Love.
Picture from YHL here
 I figured for $17.50, it might be worth the try.

First thing it needed was spray paint.

 And primer...
 I decided on a mossy green (Rustoleum "Oregano" in satin)
After I let it dry outside for a day before I brought him inside and dressed him up with some pillows ('holla at ya HomeGoods!!)
 Eh, not too shabby.  I kinda like the browns and green.  Very Earth toned.  I think we are going to put it in the sunroom once we get it cleared out (this weekend?).  The rug in the definitely has the same tones, so I think it would really work.

Here's the before and after for yea.
What do you guys think?  Do you still need to see it in the sunroom before making your finally decision? I might.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!  I'll be back on Monday with a fun lil office update!! (spoiler alert, I Instagramed a teaser a couple days ago.  Feel free to follow: LittleHouseintheBigD)


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  1. I'm so jealous! A couple months ago I saw a trailer of what seemed to be trash and I was too much of a wimp to steal a wicker chair like this or leave a note asking if I could have it :( THE DAY I was going to leave a note IT WAS GONE!

  2. No way, I won something? Thanks so much! I'm so excited! Love the chair, by the way--I'll be keeping an eye out for one of these in the rough!

  3. I would have never picked out a chair like that either but loved how you made it over. Oh and Home goods it the BEST!!

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