Globe Art

10:52 AM

 Ok I have been meaning to try this one for a while... well at least ever since I was in Las Vegas for my Bachelorette Party (..."a while" aka. Sept 2011) when we were browsing an Anthropology... at least I think it was an Anthropology... it may have been an Urban Outfitters... I cant remember. Oh, well.

ANYWAY, they had this cool globe with words spray painted on it, and I thought it was SUCH a cute idea (yes, I did take a picture, but my blackberry met an untimely death and I lost the pic :-(

Even though the picture was gone, I still kept the idea in my head and made a point to look for a globe at garage sales and what not.

Enter this beauty for $5...

SO excited, I put it in our garage to start the following day... well, one day turned into one week, and that one week turned in to one month... plus a couple more.  And so it sat in our garage for 7 MONTHS!... major fail on my part.

However, under new stamina from my "July break", I got it out of the garage this past weekend and went to town.

First thing's first, I knew I wanted a short word to go on my globe so you could read it without having to turn it (I think Anthropology had "GO!" on theirs)... I chose "Fly"...
 The picture above is just so you could see the font ("Lucida Handwriting" in bold) but I eventually had to go with a SUPER big font (425pt to be exact) since I wanted to make sure you could read it.

I also MAJORLY lucked out to have a globe that was able to come off its stand...
 This way, I wouldnt have to spray paint the cute rustic stand (which I definitely wanted to keep "as-is").

I then cut out my letters...
 Chris suggested that I just go buy letter stickers from Michaels, but I refused for a number of reasons:
1. That would make this project WAY too easy (and if something doesnt have a difficult level of at least an 8, I often lose interest...) point, me.
2. I didnt think Michaels would have the size stickers I wanted.
3.  Nor would they have the font I wanted (to increase my difficultly level, I spent 30-45 minutes picking the "just right" font, while Chris yelled "Just go to the store already! You would have be done by now!"... tisk, tisk my Love... its all part of the process.

 I then applied a spray adhesive to both the globe and the letters and set them in place.
 **side note: for those wondering, I placed the globe on a tape roll to keep it from rolling away**

Next came the spray paint... Im a sucker for white (in semi-gloss)...
And then I began to peel the letters off.
 SOOO excited, I put the stand back on and placed my piece on the mantel.

And then notice I screwed up...

After I took the letters off, I notice that I had successfully spelled "Fry"... instead of "Fly"... or at least thats what it looked like...
I needed to bring the "y" down... like a lot. (Difficult level now at a 9... anything after a 10 I break into tears... and it got close)

**I forgot to take pictures of this next part, but it was actually pretty easy** I just applied a little "Goof-Off" ($3.79 at Home Depot for a small one or $6.16 here: "4.5 Oz VOC Goof Off Cleaner FG651") to a paper towel and the spray paint came right off... make sure to only apply it where you need it since it will drip and streak (I made sure to JUST delete my awkward Y and left everything else as is).  Seriously worked GREAT!!

I reapplied a new "y", resprayed, and then got THIS...
 SOOOOO much better!!!

Here's how it looks on the mantel...
Here's our fireplace redo story... and our cute little Settee I designed with my mom
 Again, the final product all close up and pretty like...
 All in all, I love it... Something fun, different, but super easy to make.

Here's the before and after for yea.
Full project in total probably cost me $10 (Goof-off included).

Do you guys like it?  What do you think of "Fly"? Would you have done a different word?  I would love to hear your thoughts!  Thanks!

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  1. Samm,

    I love, love, LOVE it! I have an old globe gathering dust in my spare bedroom that is in desperate need of some TLC. My creative juices are humming a merry tune, thanks to you.

    The word "fly" is great - good choice! I'm thinking of using the word "dream" on mine (using it two or three times, maybe) - I'll have to play around with it, though.

    Love what you guys are doing with your house. Always enjoy seeing what you're up to! Hope to get started on my own later this year. Once again, thanks for the inspiration! ~Hoot

  2. absolutely ADORE this! I am now on the hunt for a globe :D Would also love for you to link up to the Pin Inspiration Party on Thursday

  3. Love this! Curious how big of a globe you used? I'm determined to try something similiar- with maybe the word "explore"

  4. How fun, I love this idea. Thanks for the tutorial. Thanks also for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  5. This is awesome and it looks high end. Thanks for posting on the Terrific Tuesdays link party!


  6. Love it! A nice little addition to your mantel :)

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know you've been featured at The Kurtz Corner and Pinned! Hope you'll stop by and grab a featured button!


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