New table?

9:33 AM

The reason this post has a question mark is because I'm not 100% in love with it... so I'm not 100% sure it's staying.

Don't get me wrong, our old table in the dining room is probably the saddest little table ever owned.
 Don't let the cleanliness, lack of clutter, and flowers fool you.  The red stain was chipped (and showing through yellow?!) and the chairs were less than comfortable.
That being said, I bought this table off Craigslist for $30 when I first moved to Dallas (it was better than sitting on suitcases and eating on cardboard boxes (true story)).  It may not be the prettiest table, but it definitely worked and when compared to our awful, uncomfortable, small couch/loveseat (which we want to replace as soon as we have the moola) so the table was kind of on the back-burner. 

So when I was out garage saling last weekend, I found this awesome pub/bar height table marked for $150 and pictured it more as a Craigslist flip rather than a piece for our house.
 It came with 4 chairs, table, and leaf.  It was in really good shape and I asked the host of the sale if they would take $100 (thinking they would counter at $125 which I was more than willing to pay so I could flip it for possibly $300 on Craigslist) but she agreed right out on $100! SCORE!!!
 Sorry the pictures aren't very good.  The sale was PACKED and I am SHOCKED that no one picked up on this table before I did!!

I called Chris to celebrate... .... ... and to ask him if he would help break it down so we could get it home.

He and our buddy Blake took the legs off the table and took one of the chairs in my Subaru Tribeca SUV and I fit the rest of the chairs in Chris's Saab with me.
 I did mention he drives a Saab, right?... as in a SEDAN...
 Totally safe(ish)...

We were only a few side streets away from home so it wasn't nearly THAT bad.

What I DIDN'T expect is how much Chris would like the table.  I knew it was in really good shape, but Chris LOVED it!  I agreed to set it up in the dining room (if it didnt work out, I still would need pictures for Craigslist).
For me, I think its a bit too tall for such a small room.

Don't get me wrong, I think its a MAJOR upgrade from what we had! I even agreed to post our old table on Craigslist and keep this one to see if I would grow on me. (Spoiler alert: We sold it for $100 in one day which makes this whole table upgrade 100% FREE!!!)
Here's a bit closer looks so you can really see the wood inlay.
Its a gorgeous table, and I think we are going to keep it for now, but there are still two things that bother me.

1. Height.
        - I think it would look a LOT better if our ceilings were just a foot higher, but I think the tall table just makes the room look a bit "shrunk".
2. It only has 4 chairs.
      - If we have more than 2 people over, we don't have any other chairs the same height.  I'm thinking this might be remedied by getting a set of leather accent chairs to go at either end, but so far I haven't found anything.  (UPDATE:  We actually did find some AWESOME accent chairs on craigslist for $25 a pop! Click HERE to check them out!)

What do you guys think? Do you like it? Don't like it? Think it's too big? Think it works?  Chris's dad even said we could saw the part of the legs off to make it shorter... ... ... ... ... so there's that option.

Let me know what you think! Thanks!
- Samm
P.S- Tomorrow is the last day for the Home Depot give card giveaway.  If you like free money, enter HERE.

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  1. Great deal! I like it, but I understand you're not too thrilled with the tallness. You always seem to find such great deals, I really think you'll find great accent chairs to go on the ends.

  2. I don't think the height looks bad in the room. We used to have a bar height dining room table, and I just got tired of having to sit so high up. It seemed less comfortable somehow. Are you thinking of doing anything to the table-paint, update, etc? Or just leaving as it (which is gorgeous too)?

  3. I like your idea of leather accent chairs!

  4. My first thought was to cut some off of the legs. We did that with our table and chairs and I was so much happier. What is that white shelf you have in the corner? I love it!! Would you post some more pics of it please? :)

  5. If you love it I would say maybe cutting it down because like you said it is really to tall for a dining table, esp one with shorter ceilings. The only problem I see with trying to do that is the way the curve in the chairs are made. Then there is always the option of cutting the table down and finding 6 new chairs since you want more anyways and then sale the old chairs. Since they are tall they would also make good bar chairs.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've never been a fan of tall tables and the whole foot hanging thing.
    If you cut the table legs, what would you do about the chairs?

  8. I really like the new table. I like it even more because you essentially got the upgrade for FREE! I like the traditional shape of it. It looks nice in contrast with your geometric curtains (which I love). I love the idea of putting two unmatched chairs at the heads of the table. I think that will look very "custom". I personally think it works like it is. Your chandy is still plenty high enough, it's not like it will be hanging in your faces while you're eating. I've never had a tall table before but they have their appeal. Especially this one! Whatever you decide to do, I think you should keep it :)


  9. I really like it! Have you thought about maybe painting the legs or something? It might help a bit. But ultimately, if you're not happy with it, you're the one that has to look at it every day ;). Maybe give it a week and see if it grows on you.

  10. It's a really pretty table, but it doesn't fit the style of the room. The rooms seems more modern, and the reddish shade of the table seems wrong for the room, at least to me. I see all of those browns in the background and I think a table with more of an overall brown tone without the red would go better with the room.

  11. I love it and the height really is good. You can always cut the legs down don't. But I think it looks great as is and what a great price.

  12. I love it and the height really is good. You can always cut the legs down don't. But I think it looks great as is and what a great price.

  13. I love it and the height really is good. You can always cut the legs down don't. But I think it looks great as is and what a great price.

  14. I love the table! What a deal you got! If you don't like the height, you can always cut the legs on the table and chair down to the height you like. You always seem to find the best deals!

  15. I really like the table! What if you put two upholstered chairs (or leather or something fun and unexpected) on the ends? That way you could focus on that and accessories rather than a table that's slightly too small. AND, I'd rather have a table that's a little too small than one that's too big. We have a big table and we hardly ever use it because it seats 6 (easily) and we're a family of 3. Even when 6 people are around it, it's almost too big I think. Plus there's the whole "takes up the dining room" issue... which isn't the case for you. I say leave it, decorate it, see what end chairs you could find and enjoy the FREE table! :-)

  16. If you decide to keep the counter height table, a chair rail on the wall at the same height might make it look better. Or wainscoting. You could experiment by having someone hold a piece of trim against the wall and taking a picture. Sometimes photographs give you a better idea than standing in the room trying to decide.

    I live up the road in Wise County and am kicking myself for not going to the tile auction after seeing it on your blog. Those marble countertops you didn't buy would have been mine!


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