I must have a thing for window frames...

1:51 PM

I'm seriously drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

Stores, garage sales, random TV spots (...Chris really loves it when I yell "WINDOW FRAME!" out of the blue when watching a show), I just love em.

We already have two sets hanging in our house.
1. In our laundry room...

Read more about how I made this window into a picture frame HERE
2. In our kitchen...
Read about that find HERE... and, if you're interested, the link to our little frame wall HERE
So it should really surprise no one that when I found a mirrored window frame for $10 at a yard sale, I sprinted over to it, claimed it was MINE! MINE! MINE!, threw it in the back of my car and speeded off laughing menacingly I calmly approached it, asked if they would take $8 (they did), thanked them kindly, then gently put it in my lil SUV, waving as I drove off.
 I know you can't really tell its a mirror from this picture since its just reflecting our fence on the other side (expertly installed by my amazingly talented and handsome husband).

Here's a better "I promise its a mirror" picture....
Ugly chair and open garage, much better.
(Oh, and those purdy lil' crape myrtles also in the picture are a $10 Home Depot find... marked down from $21.99!! Score!!)

After returning from my garage saling Saturday, I went in to tell Chris about all my "treasures" and passed by this blank spot on our fireplace wall.
Boom, it hit me.  Window mirror.
 This spot has been kind tough since I've always felt it needed "something" but didnt want it to over take the pretty fireplace or look too cluttered.
 I figured it might as well be worth a try.

The back of the frame was already set with a metal wire to hang.
But when Chris tried to lift it up, we both became concerned about the effect the weight would have (about 25lbs) on the wall.
 Rocky photo bomb.

Side story:  This is Rocky's new baby. 
 I have never regretting buying a dog toy more in my life.  Not only does he carrying it around with him EVERYWHERE, it has a mechanical sound chip inside (instead of a squeaker) that sounds like dogs barking... for about 10-15 seconds.

Rocky loves when Chris and I hold it or throw it for him, but he's VERY territorial over it with Gus... like a mama bear with her cub.
 Rocky isn't what one would call a "sharer". 

I seriously may have to hide it to bring back some peace and quiet to the house.

Sorry, back to the mirror.

Chris ran out to the garage and found some hanging hooks that would hold up to 50lbs a piece (better safe than sorry, right?)
And installed them on either side of the window frame.
 We next measured were we wanted it on the wall and approximately how high we wanted in relation to the ceiling and height of our settee.
Chris, bringing sexy back.... literally.
 After both of us hung it, we stepped back to see if we liked it.
First thing we both noticed "It makes the room so much brighter!!"
 It brings in a lot of natural light from the dining room without being too obvious.

I'm still a little on the fence if it makes that corner look too cluttered, but right now I think we both are liking it.
What do you guys think?  I kinda like that it goes with the feel/theme of our home and is a lot softer than a hard piece of art or something else in that corner.  I also think it make a big difference that I decluttered everything on the mantel.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

P.S- If you would like to know more about our cute little settee and the story behind it, click HERE
P.P.S - Home Depot gift card giveaway ends tonight at midnight CST.  Make sure you enter HERE.

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