Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway!!!

9:40 AM

I know, right??!!!

HOME (freakin') DEPOT!!! aka. my mother-ship, my homeland, my retreat, my home away from home!!! The place where I twirl in delight through the aisles just like Julie Andrews did in the hills of Austria for the Sound of Music!

After I photoshopped this picture, I may or may not have sent it to every person I know in a fit of laughter
I don't talk about it a lot, but on top of garage sales and hardly paying full retail for anything, I guess it should come as no surprise that I also coupon.  Grocery stores, online, etc. That's why I am SOOO excited to be teaming up with CouponCabin.com on this giveaway!

FYI - Im not getting paid/receiving perks for this giveaway, I just like CouponCabin so much and when they offered a gift card to my readers, I jumped on board!

They have hundreds of thousands of grocery coups, printables, and online codes (I hardly EVER have to pay for shipping on ANYTHING!) that I just want to make sure you guys get in on all the money-saving action!

One of my favorite sites that I check out often is their codes page for Home Depot.  Free shipping? Score.  $5 off for joining their gardening club (where we get ALL our plants for our back/front yard). Awesome.
I know "free shipping" here and "$5 off" there doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it REALLY adds up!!

To top it off, they also recently launchedtheir mobile app - a single coupon app that lets you do everything from compare local gas prices to access the latest and greatest coupon codes to search for grocery coupons - and more! (I have this app!!!) Learn more about savings on the go at http://www.couponcabin.com/mobile/

Soooooo who wants a $25 gift card to Home Depot?! (Am I bitter that I can't enter since I'm the host? no... .... not at all... ... ... ... ... ... )

Entering is easy! Just fill out the below for each entry and a winner will be chosen by random to determine the winner.  Giveaway ends Thursday Aug 30th at 11:59pm.  Winner will be announced on Friday's post!

Good luck!!!a Rafflecopter giveaway

disclosure: “I received no compensation for this post and the opinion stated here is that of my own. I was not influenced in any way. By entering this promotion, each participant agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor and its parent companies, affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, agents and employees from and against any injuries, losses, damages, claims, actions or liability of any kind resulting from or arising from participation in this promotion.” 

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  1. What a great idea! I would love to win!

  2. I LOVE your photoshopping skills! How creative! I'd love to win :-)

  3. I would LOVE to win this. Like you, I'm a new homeowner in the Dallas area and we LIVE at Home Depot :)

  4. I'm not a great couponer...yet. I'm trying to get better organized so I can be! The most I've ever saved would be around $10 haha

  5. Woohoo, I'm all entered. Home Depot is my home away from home too. If I don't have a specific project I roam the isles looking for interesting odds and ends that I can upcyle into something else.

  6. I think that most I've ever saved was like $40... I had alot of coupons that day! :)

  7. i believe the most i ever saved was around $26. it still made me good to save that much.

  8. today i took that $26 and spent it on some paints i needed.ha/ha now i have got to find some bargains so i can save up some more to spend. reckon i will ever get over the $26? i doubt it knowing me.ha/ha

  9. I LOVE your blog! Was so excited when I stumbled upon it last month. Read each and every post! It has inspired me! I want to come down later to the auction before we redo our 70s kitchen!

    Enter me in the contest! Needing some paint and this gift card would help out! The most savings I have had in one day with coupons from two different stops is....ready for it.....over 100.00! We don't even have good grocery stores in Oklahoma like the Dallas Metroplex! No crazy extreme coupon shopping and everything was what we needed. Only one store did double coupons and that store was not where I saved the most! It takes some work but I use my lunch hour and prepare for a couple of hours on the weekend. I think I have it down now. I don't use a binder. I use small envelopes that I keep in a clear plastic box that used to hold CDs. I have four in college....so every little bit helps.

  10. I'm not great at using coupons unfortunately :( I think the most I've ever saved was like seven dollars when I was grocery shopping once! Sad sad.

  11. I'd love to win this giveaway and could sure use it!!!


  12. My husband and I just built a house and I would LOVE to win this gift card to get us started on all the painting we're going to be doing!

  13. i like to take coupons to the store, especially the grocery, and then i will save some, that is if i do not forget to bring them with me. so now you see i do not get to save too much.

  14. I've gotten 50% off clothing codes

    jennifer marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  15. I'm not the best couponer when it comes to groceries, but I've saved over 80% on online purchases by combining coupon codes with sales and promotions!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  16. Great post Samm, though this was posted a years ago I can say that couponing is the best way to save. Me and my partner have been doing this for a very long time we are also checking new furniture or artsy fartsy sculpture that we can include to our condominiums for sale in Singapore to make it more appealing to our buyers.


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