Teaser time

11:40 AM

Apparently, since Chris and I are insane, we have about 3 projects going on at the same time right now...

So instead of waiting until they are all finished, I decided to give you guys a little update of what we are trying to do... ... ... basically because I'm impatient and I'm doing everything possible to avoid making the bed. (Who has two thumbs and is super lazy? THIS chick...)

1.  Garage sale chairs:
My BBF Christina was in town from Arizona last week, and doing a case study on "A Day in the Life of Samm", which turned out to be completely boring, so we went garage sale hunting and found these beauties...

They are a work in progress so Im not going to give much away, but here's a little something we made from scratch to go along with them...
I am over the moon about how they look so far and can't wait to have them finished... (on a side note, do you know how long it takes to paint 6 (SIX!) chairs... a really freakin long time)

2. Backyard fence:
As I mentioned in my Backyard Expansion post, we are doing even MORE redo's to the backyard...somewhere in the lines of ripping down a fence, being mooches and using our neighbors awesome/professional fence, extending our back fence, and creating a 30ft planter... (**this post would be awesome as a drinking game to take a shot every time I used the word "fence"... ... ... you would all be drunk by now**)

Here's a little something I found while working on clearing some debris...
Yes, thats a worm... and yes, its over a foot long... I was on medication getting over a cold when this photo was taken and truly believe that's the only reason I'm holding it and look somewhat excited... ... I was on happy pills.

3. Crown Molding
Our house was built pre-World War II so saying that it needed some "updating" is an understatement.

Giving our naked hallways some crown molding has been a "must" ever since we moved in and even did a really cruddy job of painting to prompt us to put it up sooner... ... ... did I mention we moved in over 9 months ago?
Both Chris and I should be given medals in the art of Procrastination... The good news is we are FINALLY doing it and just have a couple more touch ups before the grand reveal... Yippie!!

Im sure by the time these 3 projects are finished, we will have another 9 in the works, but hey, its in the 70's here all week in Dallas so I can't really complain about getting stuff done...

That being said, I think I'm going to go open some windows around the house and avoid making eye contact with the unmade bed... ... it can wait...

What are you guys looking forward to seeing the most? Our finished chairs? The Backyard? The sexy crown molding? Or do you just want to know what type of drugs I was on that would tranquilize me enough to hold a 14 inch worm?

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  1. First thought (confession) my chickens would love that worm! I think the chairs are going to be awesome but as I'm on a yard makeover kick myself I think I'm looking forward to seeing that the most!

  2. Oh my, you are so busy! Great work tackling all the projects at once, I can't wait to see how they turn out (especially the chairs)!

  3. Yeah! I love being featured on your BLOG! Your Life is not boring at all silly goose! It has to be one of the most productive vacations I have been on... EVER! You left out how "Bill" at the Garage Sale said we should roam the entire house because we "smell like nice ladies"... in a literal sense.

  4. Worm ..... eeeewwww, faint! Ok, smelling salt helped. I woudl LOVE to see the chair revamp ... cushions r looking good. Ok, I wanna see all .. bec I know they will all be spectacular (mixed in with FUN)!

  5. HI Samm,
    What a cute blog you have! Love your style and house! Happy decorating & living, Megan

  6. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I've recognized your blog with the Liebster Award! I'm loving some of the projects -- and your home -- and wanted others to read about it as well! Go check it out!


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