Kitchen Table update

1:53 AM

So we've had our new kitchen table now for a couple weeks and its still growing on me...

To see what we had before, click HERE
It's a bar height table so its a bit tall for the room, but one of the things that had been bugging me most about it was the lack of seating. If we had more than two people come over (and yes, we have more than 2 friends) just having 4 chairs wasn't going to work for me.  So, I have browsing craigslist (shocker) to see if anything tickled my fancy.

After about a week of looking, I saw these.
A set of two leather chairs with wood legs the same color as our table... a few e-mails later, they were mine for $50 (gotta love some hardcore haggling skillz... yes, skillz with a "z")

Chris and I headed to the Bishop Arts district to pick them up (about 20 min away), and I suddenly remember why I always handle Craigslist transactions with my manly man by my side...
The place was a rough, in a pretty tough part of town but with the chairs left outside, it was nice that we didn't have to go inside and were able to get everything settled up and headed out in less than 5 minutes.

The good news is that the chairs were in PERFECT condition! Seriously!
No rips, holes, broken chair legs... they were great!

Since we were already out and about, I convinced Chris that we also needed to swing by one of my favorite stores, HomeGoods (I don't know why... probably just to look around...still really don't know how I wrangled Chris into thinking that was a good idea... every time I walk in there, its like going into a black hole... I lose hours in there... sometimes days... Poor Chris, he never knows what he's getting into when he's with me.)

However, when we started walking around, we saw some familiar looking faces chairs...
Not 100% an exact match of the ones we just bought... but I definitely started to LOVE our price a lot more ($50 for two craigslist chairs or $160 for two HomeGoods chairs?  I'll take my perfect $25 chairs all day long!)

After feeling a lot better about our investment, we took our chairs home and settled them in...

First, hiding them behind the table.
Then seeing how they look as accent chairs at the ends.
Score. I love them!
 Lucky for us, the dark leather accents the table wonderfully and the wood legs are close to a dead match.
 With the table being so high, it also draws a lot of attention to one of my favorite features of the house... the dining room chandelier.
 I bought this beauty with my mom at a resale shop about a mile away when Chris and I first got the house. The shiny white and twisted detail still make me swoon like the first day I saw it.

So there you have it! New(ish) table, new chairs, and a new MUCH better looking dining room.
I'm still on the fence about the height, but for right now (at least when we have friends over) this will work just fine... I likey.

- Samm

P.S- I had some pretty successful garage/estate sale finds this weekend! I'll have a rundown for y'all tomorrow and how my new favorite shopping day maybe changing...

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  1. Your new chairs are perfect to add some interest to the table and it helps to ground it also. Looks perfect. Hugs, Marty

  2. I love the chairs and I agree that $25 each is a much better price then $80 each. And what is Home Goods? Is it like Pottery Barn? I've heard of Home Goods but I've never been to one.

    1. Oh Melissa... HomeGoods is like a brothel for Z Gallerie, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, and TJ Maxx where they decided to sell their souls for cheap!!! Its basically a home goods store that ranges from everything from kitchen accessories, bedding, rugs, furniture, room decor, storage, art, frames, seasonal etc, for a discounted rate of the cost for normal retail. Their merchandise is always changing (depending on what they get in) so every time you go, its like a treasure hunt! I highly recommend checking one out if you get a chance!

    2. Oh man that sounds awesome! I will have to google and see if there is one by us!

  3. I like the blend of chairs! I need to be better about not being so matchy-matchy. I'm with you we also have a bar height table w/ just 4 chairs and I'm still thinking I would have chose something different.

  4. I think its a very nice improvement. I didn't even notice the height part. I don't think others will either. But the new chairs totally give it a great accent! Lovely find!

  5. Love the new chairs!! And what a great deal! I think the table is so pretty and looks great in your dining room!


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