Garage Sale Weekend Recap

10:31 AM

As per usual, I woke up Saturday morning with a glimmer in my eye and excited as ever to get out on my route to shop garage/yard/estate sales.  Its quickly become my "thing" and I just love seeing if I can find treasure through someone else's junk.

So you can imagine my disappointment when this past Saturday turned up a big fat nothing.


Sure, there were signs and sales out, but nothing that I just HAD to have.

But you know what? Sometimes that happens!  It actually makes the days that I DO find something exciting all that more special.

I had pretty much already conceded to that fact that this weekend was going to be a bust, but randomly, a SUNDAY moving sale ad on craigslist caught my eye.  I figured I might as well go check it out since Chris was working this weekend and (since we had the house appraised last Friday for refinancing and our chateau was SPOTLESS) I didn't have any cleaning to do! I'm always down for a little driving around!

However, on my way, I was distracted by something shiny a garage sale sign leaving my neighborhood and decided to stop.

Good thing I did because I actually found a couple cool things.

One was this 18"x12" old motorcycle sign.

 Yellow and blue are two of the accent colors we are using in the guest room so for $7 (haggling) I thought it was a fun unique piece.

I also found this little guy for Chris.
 My husband has a thing for pigs.  Not as a pet or anything, but as the magical creature that produces bacon, ham, pork, pepperoni, salami, chops, tenderloin, ribs, pork shoulder, etc, which just happen to be all of Chris's favorite foods.  No joke, he wants to paint a pig mural on our kitchen wall... this one actually...
As found in our favorite Dallas restaurant, Cane Rosso... picture and article from HERE
Hopefully, Chris isn't set on a PINK pig, but getting him a little wrought iron pig to put on top of our wine rack will hopefully keep him content for now.

I also got this heavy iron Texas cut out for $3.
 Rustic, different, and totally Texas... worth the $3 for me.

Another rustic piece that caught my eye was this wood and cast iron crate.
 It was marked "Co Verts" and felt like 100 years old.  I even loved the cast iron bottom... maybe a planter?
I actually put some felt feet on it (can't have the iron leaving rust stains on the hardwood!) and now use it to hold magazines by the couch... I'll probably switch it up and have it hold firewood in the winter.  We'll see! $15 and a million uses.

After leaving that sale on a high, I saw another sale going on (no sign, just stuff out on a lawn) and really liked this large solid wood frame.
It was only $5 (say wha?!) but sadly I couldn't think of a spot for it in the house so I had to pass (no need buying something, even for $5, if you don't have a use for it)

Still trying to head to my original craigslist moving sale, the garage sale Gods must have been looking down on me since I saw random garage sale sign #3.

AND took a shining to this little lady...
 A beautiful, solid wood, french provincial dresser... dove-tail bracketing and all, I made her mine for $75.  Definitely have some fun ideas in mind!!!

Finally, about an hour+ after leaving home, I make it to my original destination... ... ... ... and everything was already picked over.

The only thing left was this guy.
For $100, I wasn't too interested, but after talking to the family and learning that it was a solid mahogany AND Chris and I sorta have been in the market for a new buffet, I took him home for $75.   Chris isn't too smitten with it, so I may just resell it... BUT if I REALLY want to go crazy with it, I may put on new legs along with some new pulls... we'll see how it goes.

So, to sum up the weekend, Saturday was a stinker and Sunday was a savior.... Who knew that Sunday could be the new go-to day for yard sales?!

Did you guys get any scores or deals this weekend?  Has anyone else had random luck on Sundays? I would love to hear from you!


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  1. Wowzer! You have ALL the luck!

    It was nice meeting you on Saturday night! Hope Chris liked his painting!


  2. I'm not even from Texas and I love that little Iron Texas sign. haha!

    Great find on the crate too, I would have definitely snagged that right up.


  3. I am drooling over the huge wood frame you passed up. I knwo someone that actually needs that for a wedding photo prop. Darn!
    The first 2 items were like you were also shopping for me. I have a Harley and all about cool bikes especially Henderson's. AND because of my love for Harley's i am into all things pig. (Hogs -get it? ). My bathroom is pigs and it cracks me up! I seriously want to join you on your sales. You're like a sale princess with good luck dust! :)

  4. Very good finds! I really feel inspired to go garage saling!

  5. Great finds! I usually don't have good luck at thrift stores, but I found some great stuff at the thrift store last weekend for my 'WICKED' Halloween decor based on a book/movie/theater theme. I figured even ugly stuff would be good for Halloween, but the things I found worked and none of them were even ugly! I think you can rework that buffet to look nice - legs, pulls and paint and it would be a nice looking piece of furniture.

  6. And by the way I love reading your blog since I'm in Plano, just up the road from your house!

  7. Hi Samm,
    i like this post. Specially for the pic of 1916 "HENDERSON" motorbike. I am just amazed that the outlook of this bike is too nice and pretty. thank you for your nice sharing.


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