I need you.... patio rocking chairs...

12:29 PM

Whoo hoo!  I am UBER proud to report that after another weekend of hard work, the deck is almost DONE!!! (... I promise more pictures to come soon... but I get a little snappy-happy and end up taking thousands of pictures detailing ONE thing and have to sort through them all to make sure you guys see the best ones... ... ... OCD much?... maybe)

ANYWAY, with the deck nearly completed and wanting to use it ASAP, we have just been sitting on the deck floor, Indian style, sitting in a circle with our friends since we have no furniture... its like troop scouts all over again... minus the adults but adding alcoholic beverages.

I have been scanning Craigslist like a mad-woman hoping to find something, but so far, no luck...

Until this weekend when I hit up a garage sale 5 houses down from ours... and saw these... and brought them home immediately...

If you would like, imagine me running to the chairs, in slow motion, in someone's driveway, while this song plays in the background...
...and then we embrace and swirl in circles while laughing....
(I really hope our future children get my sense of humor...)

Anyway, sorry I dont have a picture of them AT the actual garage sale, but I was a little excited and I forgot to take a picture with my phone...

I know the look like just normal rocking chairs, but these things are SOLID, hand crafted, and sturdy as all get out.  The lady I bought them from said they she had them made in Vermont and paid $400 for the pair since they were made by hand (if the $400 is true or not, Im not sure).  They were her ex-husband's which is why she was selling them for cheap... $30 each... I bought the pair for $50.

Chris went and picked them up for me (he had our SUV since he was also going to Home Depot for the deck later that day) and even he was impressed with them... (sidenote: Sticking with our "we-dont-get-anything-for-the-house-unless-we-both-agree-on-it" policy, I did call him to ask what he thought about rocking chairs for the deck and he said he would trust my judgement... score one for Wife)

But back to the chairs, once home and placed them on a tarp, I gave em a good wipe down (they were pretty dirty)
 One coat of primer later....
 Two coats of primer later...
After I primed, I couldnt really decide what color to paint them (for some reason a bright lime green or navy blue came to mind)... but after a phone call with my design correspondent mom, she convinced me to go for a high gloss white and then spicy it up with some decorative pillows...

So high gloss white it was...
 (disclaimer: Chris took this picture without my knowledge... but I figure since I try to keep it real on this blog, you guys wouldnt mind me me looking like a penny-less hobo with spray paint obsession. 

P.S- those flimsy $0.10 masks do NOT keep fumes out, and YES, you will feel high tipsy after going through FIVE cans of spray paint at close range... the fact that I giggled like a kindergartener for 20 minutes at a word I can't remember, is proof of this)

Sorry, where did I leave off... can of spray paint #4?...
 And boom goes the dynomite...
 After looking at Home Depot, World Market, and HomeGoods, I finally found some outdoor pillows I liked at where Chris and I eat lunch samples on Sundays Costco.

Here are my little lovelies now occupying the deck...
 Close ups of the pillows? Sure...
The fabric kinda reminds me of a more greenie/redish fabric like my Settee we have in the house, but I think they will do for the time being. (side note: only $13 for BOTH pillows at Costco... total score!)

As always, here is the before/after for ya...
I still might end up painting them a dark navy or something (depending on what color we stain the deck) but for right now I like em...

I wish I could show you how good they look when you see the deck in full, but that would give away the fun surprise of how the deck came to be (more posts coming soon I promise-promise!)

So what do you think? I know two chairs arent going to solve ALL our naked-deck problems, but its a start... now we can at least play musical chairs to determine which of our friends actually get furniture to sit on... again, alcohol may or may not be involved...

Would you have painted them a different color?? Gone with a different pillow choice? Wished I would have not posted such a detailed description of me running into the loving embrace of two rocking chairs to the music of LeAnn Rimes?  I love to read your comments!!

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  1. Love it! I have told my mom about your blog. Wake up, go to work, check ESPN, check Facebook, check Little House in the Big D, and repeat.

    -Matt Swalm

  2. I love that! Especially the pillows.
    My husband (Josh Nation) sent me your blog, apparently you guys know each other. I am so glad he did, I love all your projects!
    Take care!

  3. You are too cute!! I love the chairs- they look so good! I'm a sucker for white, but then again another color would be fun too. I think these chairs will be awesome no matter what you do with them! They look great!! and I love them with the pretty pillows. I can't wait to see your whole deck!

  4. I laughed SO hard when I read the "Boom goes the dynamite" line. My husband and I say that ALL the time when we do something awesome. I love that you are spray paint junkie too! AND you have almost identical pillows to me that I got at Costco as well! We have a lot in common ;)
    Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see the deck!

  5. Love those chairs in white - and the fabric for the cushions is just gorgeous!

  6. These turned out great!!! What a deal. I hope you'll link this up to Cowgirl Up tonight.
    And about those burlap canvases...I just googled them and bought the cheapest ones I could find with free shipping. I'll add it to my post if I can find them again, let me go look around on google again.

  7. Seriously... I am constantly on the edge of my seat when I check my dashboard, hoping that you have posted a new one! I love it! You are hilarious. Love the deck.. love the rocking chairs.. (LOVE COSTCO) love the pillows! Great job!

  8. I love the pillows but I would paint the chairs a color. With the house being neutral and the deck neutral a color would be lively and fun. For now though the white looks good and it's a good primer for later. Boy, that's a lot of spray paint! P.S. If you check out Valspar spray paint at Lowes they have some amazing colors. =0)

  9. The white looks great, can never go wrong with white - it is crisp, clean, and will great sitting in the summer sun! Great find!

  10. Just found you recently and have looked forward to hearing what's going on in your Little House in the Big D everyday. The deck is truly amazing and I LOVE those rockers!!!! and the pillows too. Keep up the great work and keep us laughing :) Can't wait to see the end product and what the next project will be!!!!!

  11. You got such a good deal on the rockers! I love them white and they go so well with the house color, later on you can paint them a fun color and have fun redoing the deck after you have had for a while! Love your blog!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Stumbled on your blog a few days ago and I love it! Such fun projects!
    Also, love the pillows you found for the chairs...gotta love Costco!

  14. Love what you did with the chairs, so pretty now! I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Stop by my blog and read the April 17th post for all the details. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  15. OMG so funny about running to the chairs! I totally get the same feeling when I see such a neat find! I like the pillows and color of the chairs, but it'll be neat to see if you change them once you stain the deck! Love it!


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