Week 20... it's a_____!!!

3:41 PM

Sorry all... Its been crazy around here recently.... and I know this post is a week late... I'm sorry...

The good news is that I've successfully made it to month 5 of my pregnancy, and Chris and I were able to go and see the gender of our future little one via ultra sound last Tuesday...

And, I am VERY happy to report...

 Bring on the mud, dirt, and little bow-ties!!
Honestly, Chris and I couldn't be any happier!  Not that we wouldn't love a girl, its just Chris and I are a bit rougher around the edges (ie. loving power tools and sports... I don't have the 1st idea about ballet, dance, or anything in the "pink" family).  We also both come from all boys (he's one of three and I have one brother) so starting things off with a boy is our dream come true!

The best news of the ultrasound was that everything looked healthy, happy, and growing just as he should!

Of course everyone now wants to know what we've thought of for names, but we are actually keeping the name-game under wraps; from everyone (even parents and in-laws!).  We figured it would be nice to have something just between Chris and I and it's been fun to throw names around while we are driving or eating dinner.

Without further adieu, here is my 20 week pic...

 A week from today (aka. week 22) I go in for another check-up since the ultra sound was JUST an ultra sound and not part of an appointment (I'm sorry, did you expect me to wait until week TWENTY-TWO to find out if it was a boy or girl? No, so of course I made a special appointment)

I also had one of the best garage/estate/yard saling weekends of my life last week and can't wait to share more about it...

Ok enough procrastinating... I have to get back to work... yay!


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  1. Congrats on your little boy!!!! They are so much fun! I must have been missing quite a bit on here these past couple months! That's what I get for not getting online like I once did.

    And good luck on the boy names, my husband and I are just flat out stuck on girl names. I am due at the end of June with our second and we just can't find a name we LOVE... the ONE name is eluding us. Hopefully ya'll will have a better chance at it!

  2. As the proud Momma of boys I will just say "HANG ON for the RIDE" :) Congratulations to you both...so exciting!

  3. Congrats on the baby boy, Samm! As a new follower of the blog, I so look forward to your updates, and am always thrilled by your candor and great sense of humor--lots of love and well wishes from Austin!


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