Week 22... 5.5 months and counting

6:10 PM

I hate to be "that" girl, but honestly, pregnancy and I are working out like two peas in a pod.

I feel fantastic, I have great energy, my hair looks and feels FANTASTIC, and weight gain has been at a minimum (mostly the only thing gaining weight it my future little man).

In my last check-up, we went over blood work and my ultra sound we had two weeks ago and I'm happy to report that everything looks completely NORMAL! (which happens to now be my favorite word for this pregnancy)

I'm starting to feel him move around a lot more, which is both extremely creepy and amusing at the same time... I swear yesterday he tried to 1-2 punch me.... Yes, a black belt at -4 months old.

The cool thing is I'm also finally starting to look a bit pregnant... I was in that "Is that chick bloated?/I think she just ate a gigantic burrito" stage for a while, but now I am wearing an ever so slight bump oh-so proudly.

Without further adieu, here is my picture for week 22.

I know I say all this now, but all in all I am VERY lucky that its been so cool here in Dallas... seriously, its in the 70's today where this time last year we were near 100.  I just hope this doesn't mean that we are going to have a long, hot summer when it does get here... I've already talked to Chris about investing in additional in-room AC units for my office and the bedroom.

Does anyone have any additional info that I should be catching up on at this point in the pregnancy?  I would LOVE any and all suggestions...  THANK YOU!


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