Adding additional foliage....

12:47 PM

First off, I have to apologize to my high school English Honors teacher, Mrs. White. To write the tile of this post, I had to look up how to spell "foliage" which I'm pretty sure was a word we learned to spell and define my freshman year.  Mrs. White, I have failed you... the good news is I graduated with a degree in Journalism, so I think that means I tricked enough people (not just you) into "thinking" I can spell... ... ... apparently I owe my diploma to Google.

Anyway, back to our foliage (n. Plant leaves, collectively *source: We are still LOVING our deck and use it on a daily basis... especially on the weekends.

Even though its been a couple weeks, it still pretty much looks like this...

 and yes, the boxer is probably still lifting his leg outside...he strikes this pose a lot.

As you probably remember from HERE that we added some vining flowers up the side of lattice.
**for all those who left comments about the Wisteria plant, there's an update on that coming soon**
But there was still a lot of empty room on the left and right of the stairs... so I asked my trusty handy man to build yet another planter bed...

 A Home Depot trip and $85 later, we brought our haul home...
We decided on hydrangeas for the right side...
And azaleas bushes for the left side...
After digging and planting them in cow poop fresh manured soil, it looked like this...
SOOOO much better....
And the nice thing about hydrangeas is they will still grow even in moderate shade!
Since they will mostly be seen from people standing on the deck, here's the "deck view" for you...
And hydrangeas...
And as always, a quick before/after for ya...
We are headed to my cousin's wedding in California next weekend, but hopefully after we come back, we will be ready to stain the deck!!! AHHHHHH SO FREAKIN' EXCITED!!!  Even though we are still deciding on colors.... any suggestions?I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks and I hope everyone has an awesome and SAFE Memorial Day weekend! (Go hug an active duty or veteran member of the forces if you can... Please keep in mind the TRUE meaning of Memorial Day is to remember those who sacrificed their lives to help us breathe the air of freedom and NOT just to give us an extra day off work!) 

Thank you to all those who did, do, and will serve our great country!! God Bless!!!

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  1. I don't think you are supposed to stain treated wood the first year. But I maybe wrong. Also you may want to check your spelling for wisteria.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. "Anonymous",
      Thank you for catching my spelling mistake (especially on a post that STARTED with my confession that I'm an awful speller) HA! Irony at its best!

      As far as stains go, we have done our research (as well as consulted with many a people at Home Depot and lumber yards) and everyone has given us the green light to go ahead with a stain or paint. If you would like more information, here's a link that a found from a deck contractor:

      The deck has been up and built for 9 weeks (we'll probably be at the 75 day mark by the time we actually stain it)and it has been VERY hot here in Texas (97 degrees today!).

      Part of this blog is about trial and error but making sure that we are properly informed before doing anything. No matter good or bad, there will be a post within the coming weeks of how it goes!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love your deck. If your handyman ever needs someplace else to work, just send him on down to Crosby. I've got lots of projects that need a hand!

  3. It's looking so good, love it! We've been slowly working on our back yard and since it's a rental we're trying to be thrifty (since we'll be leaving it in 3 years) yet still make it enjoyable while we're here. You're going to love the azaleas and hydrangeas! I'll give my Mr. a hug on your behalf, he's active duty Coast Guard. We are all lucky to have the brave men and women of our armed forces protecting our freedom! Enjoy your time in CA. :o)

  4. looking good, you can't have enough planters, especially around the deck, it is really softening it up, now if only those darn plants grew faster:)

    Thanks for the reminder of what Memorial Day really is about, I think we often forget and just assume it's a day of bbq's.


  5. Wow I like your wooden house and also very nicely gardening and exterior your house. Your house furniture is also looks very nice.

  6. Gardening is best exterior our house. Gardening is my hobby so thanks for very nice information about gardening.

  7. This is going to be such an amazing space for summer! Great work! I really love your blog.. I'm going to be refurbishing lots of things for my new (first!) home, so I think this will be an excellent place for inspiration. So happy to have discovered your creative corner of the web, and I'll be following for sure!


  8. Great idea. Thanks for sharing the same here.


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