Week 34... 8.5 months and going strong!

3:20 PM

I'm officially throwing myself into the "home stretch" category.  

T-minus 6 weeks until he gets here and everything is finally coming together.  I should have an update on final nursery pictures next week but I'm satisfied enough with the progress where Im not having a panic attack every time I pass by his room.

All in all, still feeling really good.  I'm constantly amazed by how much he is moving around (which I had expected and know is a "good" thing) but its a LOT!  A foot here, arm there, hiccups once a day... he is active!  I can totally see him as being one of those babies that starts crawling at some ridiculous early age and me just constantly chasing him from one room to another.  He'll also be the kid that gets lost in the grocery store or somehow gets behind the "Do Not Enter" signs during school field trips because he can't stand still... ... ... I totally get parents who leash their children now... (actually that's a lie, I still dont get that).

Other than that, we are just in a waiting game until he gets here... 6 weeks is NOT a long time and makes me nervous and sweaty just thinking about it (even though mostly EVERYTHING makes me sweaty now... it's really cute).

Without further adu, here's my pictures for week 34... Im totally in love with this dress since 1. It has a gorgeous lacy back to it... and 2. I don't have to wear a bra... be free ladies... be free....

Other than trying not to sweat on our furniture, is there anything else y'all recommend I do before little man gets here in a couple weeks?


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  1. Best of luck to all of you. It's a wild and wonderful ride for all involved. Having family about you is taken to a new level and your willingness (nae urge) to talk about your bewilderment of bodily functions becomes second nature. You'll count your blessings ten fold once baby is in your arms.

  2. Get as much done ahead of time as you can - buy groceries, do laundry, maybe cook and freeze a few meals if you can. When you come home from the hospital, you will find you hardly have time to shower for the first few weeks, so anything you've already done puts you ahead of the game. Most of all, enjoy every moment of this experience! Even if you have other children, you'll never have a child again and it's really special. Love the dress - looks great on you! Will you be able to wear it after baby comes?

  3. Can you read the comments in their entirety? Some of the comment I made is cut off by the side panel and makes it read differently :)

    1. Sandy, Yep! I can read your comments just fine! Dont know why the sidebar is cutting you off! Sorry about that... and yes, all the dresses I have up there are just regular sundresses,... nothing maternity so I can wear all of them again after little man gets here! Thanks!


Comments make my heart happy... and I read every ONE of them... thank you so much for taking time to make my day!

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