Our future entertainment unit

10:10 AM

Good news y'all!!

After weeks of searching (and banging my head against the wall for not having gotten one sooner), we now have what WILL be our future entertainment unit!

"whomp, whomp"
I know its not much to look at now, but I am totally in love with its curvature and possibility to become something great.  The measurements are exactly what we needed (34" tall x 32" wide x 18" deep) and its made out of solid wood. Plus, it wasn't too far away from the house AND I haggled for a bargain (duh)!!

Chris and I plan to remove the top drawer and use it for accessible storage for our satellite, DVD player, and stereo... kinda like these people did:
picture found here
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I'm also going to go ahead and give it a good coat of chalk paint... right now Im feeling grey and yellow... maybe decorated something like this:
or this:
pin found here
But since I have been doing a lot of stripes lately (ie. our awesome stripped wall) maybe something just a little more simple like this would do the trick:
found here
I dunno... what do you guys think! I would love suggestions!!  Can't wait to get started this weekend!


UPDATE:  about 2 days after I bought my little find on craigslist, THIS popped up:
 Yes, that would be the EXACT same dresser for more than $100 than I paid for mine... just goes to show when you see a good deal, POUNCE on it!!

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  1. Love the bombay style and it would look fabulous just slightly distressed. Can't wait to see what you do. Hugs, marty

  2. Oh, I love the last photo, that color is so neat and also the distressing.

  3. I'm really wanting to use a dresser right now as well because our current television stand has no storage for DVD's. I can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  4. We did this with a dresser, too - we took the drawer front off the actual drawer, and attached it to the dresser with hinges on the bottom of the drawer front. Then we put a bottom inside the drawer tracts to set our TV components on. Now, whenever we aren't actually using the components, we can close the drawer front, and it looks just like a regular dresser. I love it! I wish I could explain better, but basically, it just pulls out and down with the regular handle. Like those weird tiny drawers under sinks that hold your scrubby brush. It's a great piece, good luck!!


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