Flea Markets making a Nursery

1:01 PM

Whoo hoo... who's ready for a fun ol' nursery update!  Look at some of the fun stuff we scored!!

But before we get to all that, last we left it, we had just gotten our awesome craigslist find all in place and tucked away.
 However, noticing that the walls are a bit bare, Chris and I have started to decorate with a little bit of this and that, which we have been silently hoarding for the past several weeks.

Opposite of the "changing table" wall, is where is crib is going to sit.  As of a couple days ago, this has been whats hanging up.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THIS MAP after finding it at a garage sale for $20 and it looked great as decor in our "guest room", but as a nursery, the colors just didnt really go with what we had envisioned for the space (picture me, sitting on the rug, starring at it, crying to Chris "...but I love it.  This room can be orange and green. We can make that work."... No, Samm, it can't.)

So you can imagine my enthusement (enthusiasm + excitement = enthusement) when I saw THIS GUY at a garage sale over the weekend.
 Yea, thats a 6 FOOT by 4 FOOT awesome vintage-looking map.  $10?... would you take $8? SOLD... (yes, I haggled over $2... times are tight)

(I wish I would have taken a picture of me trying to get it home, alone, with a quarter of it sticking out of my open back of my SUV.  The g-sale was only about a mile or two away from my house, and I drove slow with my cautions on the whole way taking back streets, but I still felt pretty stupid with one hand driving and one arm holding on to it through the backseat.)

Anyway, this "little" map was the catalyst to the "Lets-start-decorating" movement.  Chris was really into the map (yay!) and so we took down the roll-up map and moved the nails over for a bit to make sure the map was centered on the wall.
Sorry internet, the hot Italian with a six-pack, ripped arms, and gorgeous hair is mine all mine
 I did feel a little bad for replacing a map with another map, kinda like dumping one guy only to date his hotter brother, but I'm totally loving the choice we made!
While Chris was busy putting the map up, I decided to hang some stuff as well... like these two awesome car signs I found at a flea market for $25/pair.
 They have been sitting in our nursery room for a couple weeks now, but once I dusted and cleaned them off a bit, I totally remember why I like them so much.
Oh, did I mention that I totally bought these before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl?  I had a "feeling" it was a boy ever since March but when I bought these in April (before our ultrasound) and Chris thought I was jinxing it.  Nope, just good ol' mother intuition... (thank goodness I was right! These would look kind of awkward in a little girl's room) 

I knew I wanted to pair these bad boys together, but I couldn't really decided on where to put them... until I saw the little space behind the door.

And now... Ta-daaa!!
 Here's a closer up look...
The top one is actually my favorite.  The car on there is actual a 3-dimensional mold and sticks out just a bit to give the piece some depth.
You can see how the car cast just a little bit of a shadow
 And this old Chrysler one is just plain cool.  I love the frame.
The next order of business, was to deal with yet another map.

This AWESOME vintage Texas Military map Chris and I scored at the Canton Flea Market for $10.
We had talked about replacing, or even possibly building a new frame for this guy, but once we started to hang things up, we were surprised how well it went with everything we were already hanging up.  So, for now, the frame stays... Just where to put it?

Oh, on this perfect spot? ... ok...
 And after...
Sorry these pictures are so awful... they were all with my iphone.  I promise to break out my nice camera for some good pictures soon!
Here's a nice close up pic of the masculine map all up and looking pretty handsome.
Oh, and did you see that ladder to the right of the map in the previous picture?  That too was a flea market find.  "Ten-dolla-make-you-holla!"
As I carried her away into the sunset
She (he?) is actually going to be used to help dry our cloth diapers since putting them in a drier is a no-no, but I really like that natural wood feel that it brings into the room too.
There are a couple other things we've put up too, but for the sake of this post rambling on and me going into too much detail about flea markets and garage sales, I think we will leave it here for today.

I can't wait to show you what other little updates we're making (including more furniture, an AWESOME light fixture, and a thrift store upgrade) so I should be back with those soon!!

Do you like how it's looking so far?  Do you have a favorite piece?  I think mine is a tie between the antique-bar-turned-changing-table or the huge new map.  I'm going to go sit in the rocker for a while and stare at both of them... excuse me.


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  1. Adorable!! I love the whole look of everything. Those maps are awesome. I really liked the one you took down though. Great colors.

  2. Love the old map. I'm thinking of stealing my mom's old school maps for my little man's nursery.

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  4. I am glad that it's all coming together so well an that you're saving money getting all of those fabulous pieces. I don't have one favorite piece. I like all the wooden items. Lovely. I think the nursery is going to look spectacular.


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