7 months pregnant and busier than ever

11:16 AM

Sorry I've been so MIA over the past couple weeks, but other than work, I promise we havent been doing anything exciting.

I had a trade show all last week and some of the 12+ hour days were pretty brutal for this preggo mama.  Life definitely doesn't slow down (and I don't expect it ever will from the time "he" gets here) but I'm so lucky to have an awesome job that allows me to work from home 90% of the time and a fantastic boss who really gets it.

Not a lot of updates going on in little man's room other than a growing pile of clothes and cloth diapers (I don't know if anyone interested in cloth diapers had tried their luck at their local Super Target, but I highly recommend you do... I plan to write all about my awesome find tomorrow!)

Chris made a little update in the nursery closest which I am WAY more excited about than I should be, but it looks awesome! I can't wait to share!!

Other than that, birthing classes, work, and trying out 1,500 different types of strollers at Buy Buy Baby has really become our norm.  I can't believe we are already in the 3rd trimester!! To say this whole process has been happening quickly would be an understatement but I'm loving every minute of it!

Here's this weeks pictures!


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