Let the hoarding, er, I mean "nesting" begin

11:59 AM

I love how prepping for a baby totally over shadows the fact that someone can be a hoarder, but it instantly turns into "nesting" as soon as a baby is involved.

How long have I been putting stuff away and hiding little things in the closets of our house?... umm well, I started my job as a toy sales rep in 2009... so... yea, about 2009.

But seriously, can you blame me?  If you were given a free sample of a $100 baby carrier would you not hoard it away too? It's only logical...  I'm saving money in the long end... or at least that's what I keep telling myself.... and Chris. Seriously, "bravo" to that guy for continuing to date a girl (back in '09) who would bring baby bouncers back to her apartment for "someday down the line".  Why Chris didn't go running and screaming for the hills I will never know.  I'm going to say he stuck around for my whit and the charm... yea... let's run with that.

Anyway, I am officially 4 months (16 weeks) along as of this past Monday (P.S- I plan to post a bump picture soon but Chris and I got into a little tiff over taking a picture, the best lighting, which wall to take it on, and the fact that the Texas Rangers season opener was on TV and not watching it in real time is Chris's version of actual torture.  Fingers crossed, we will get a pic today).

So out of the 9 months of pregnancy, I have 4 down and 5 to go.  Chris sees this as plenty of time.  Break out the lounge chairs and ice tea, we have a while to wait... Me on the other hand? I could be confused as one of those guys from Doomsday Preppers.  I seriously almost order a 24pk of cloth diapers online yesterday because I was worried about back-orders in the colors I wanted.  Heaven forbid Diapers.com be out of the grasshopper green BumGenius 4.0.. my world would end. (sarcasm). (Well, sarcastic seriousness. It's truly the perfect color green.)

Enter me, sitting on the couch after work, browsing craigslist like a good little thrifty hoarder nester.  First thing I find? This adorable Pottery Barn Kids white sleigh crib.
Adorable, no? I'm kinda leaning more towards white since it can go girl or boy (man it up with some khaki or grey) but for $450, I dont really think its in the budget right now... (thanks a lot KITCHEN remodel!)

But wait, what's this? On the very. next. ad.?

Ummm, yea, pretty darn close to the EXACT same sleigh crib as the Pottery Barn one... minus $250 bucks.  True, Mansfield is about 45 minutes away from where I live, but maybe they would be willing to work on the price?

Four e-mails and a 45 minute drive later, this crib is now ours to the tune of $125!!!!!  Seeing now it looks so close to the PB crib, I figured I saved us $325... or, if you want to get technical, I saved $574 verses a brand new $699 Pottery Barn crib.

Yes, I know we still have 5 months... but why not be prepared?!  Especially if its something as freakishly cute as that crib?!!

To all my mothers out there, is there anything you bought WAY in advance? Or would recommend that I look in to "just in case".  As always, I would love your feedback!!


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  1. Cloth diapers come in colors now? Man, do I feel old! When my babies came along white was IT! Also back in the 'olden days' we weren't finding out the sex of the baby in advance so what I horded (in secret) were all the cute little pink baby outfits I came across - and that was a lot! I hid them at my mother's house because my husband wanted a boy. I was so sure I was having girls each time but no such luck. I have three sons all over six feet,(the oldest is 6'4) and wouldn't trade them for the world. As for the cute little baby girl outfits, my youngest sister was completely set when they had two girls. :)

    The one piece of advice I would give you is to take every bit of leave you can when the baby is born. Enjoys those first months if you can and you will need the rest. Also, take the help offered, any and all help offered. It's a good thing in those first few months. :)

  2. Congrats to you! Cloth diapers? Just be careful that you don't leave them on to long, diaper rash is nothing to fool with. My suggestion would be to go with Pampers or some like it! It seems to take the wetness away from the baby where cloth diapers don't!

    I agree with taking all the time you can get to stay with your baby, as you will see they will grow so fast!

  3. Hi,
    I think it's the first time commenting here, however have been a long time that I visit your space and love it!
    My cents - babies grown up fast, ask parents and friend if they have all kind of babies stuff to sell or give away and save lots of money. No problem with used, babies are clean people. And then sell it again when your child grown up. Or you are going to have a garage full of children stuff in 1 year, I mean full that you can't park. I sell everything that is not being used any more and the money I deposit in their college savings.
    I always was that kind of person to buy in advance, you can get good prices, however sales and promotions are on all the time. Now I buy in advance only in specific cases like Christmas, when I don't want to rush or that thing of millions of people buying on Christmas at the same time, not for me, when they are freaking I am relaxing! Now on keep an eye on everything related.
    And the cloth diapers are a must if you wanna go green ( I like green, but I am not a freak green), but I would use some pampers to travels and long distances. It will be a go help.
    Keep calm and keep going. I have 3 kids and more calm and easy going are the parents more calm and easy going is the kiddo! Believe me an easy going kid is a dream, you don't wanna have that kid you see on the supermarket scream to pumps the lungs right(question)
    Congrats! post more!

  4. Love your new purchase! :) We also bought our crib on craigslist...it was a great find for us! I actually have a picture of it here: http://sdfarmwife.blogspot.com/2012/03/journey-of-baby-k.html.

    It was hands down our favorite purchase and find on craigslist for our little girl.

    And, I actually have that BumgGenius diaper- love it! We are so happy with cloth diapering- even my husband...and the prints are so adorable. We also use SweetPeas and BestBottoms. Cloth has been great for us, we have never had any diaper rash from her wearing them. Just when we started introducing certain fruits.

    Enjoy your pregnancy and have fun planning! That was definitely tons of fun! :)

  5. I was eyeballing a $300+ crib for months, ended up scoring a near identical one for $100! Not bad considering the short amount of time cribs are used! Crib makeover will be up on my blog later this week!


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