Bump Update: Week 18

12:06 PM

Whoo-hoo!! We've hit the 4.5 month mark!!

I just had another appointment last week and apparently everything is looking good! So far in the pregnancy, I've lost 5lbs (?!) but between not working out nearly as much as I used to and the fact that my appetite is slowly coming back, they said I should start putting on a little more as time goes on.  (My mom only put on 18lbs with me and 16lbs with my brother, so I'm not too worried.)

Here's this week's picture.  (sorry about the quality. The only blank wall we have in the house has awful natural light and if we shoot with a flash I have a pretty bad shadow... We're still working on it)

The SUPER exciting news is that we find out the sex on April 30th!... that's less than 2 WEEKS AWAY!!  I have a "feeling" to what it is, but I know the moment I say it out loud or buy something blue/pink its going to be the exact opposite.  I promise to let you guys know if I'm right or wrong though... no lies.

Other than that... hmmm... any other updates?  Well, not really... oh other than my cousin and his wife are pregnant too!! And guess when they are due? 5 DAYS AFTER ME!!! How crazy is that?!  Fertile little family over here.

I know this blog is mostly meant for home improvement, and TRUST ME, there will be plenty of the coming your way, but I also plan on writing a bit about my preggo-cy too.  I don't want to over share (who am I kidding, my life is an open book) but I thought I might reach out to you guys to see what YOU would be interested in hearing about since Chris and I are taking a "not so traditional" road to this whole thing... Here are some possible topics of interest.  All these are true:
- We are having the baby at a Birthing Center with a nurse midwife... not at a hospital
- I will not be getting an epidural
- We are going to be using cloth diapers
- We are going to be using as many "green" products and toys as possible (reminder: I work in the toy industry so this one is actually kind of interesting knowing what I know)
- Changes to my diet while pregnant and beyond (Chris and future baby too)
- Decisions regarding vaccinations

I still plan on doing MANY post about the nursery, stuff we find on Craigslist/at garage sales, and all the while prepping for our bathroom remodel.   The main reason I am choosing to share what we are doing with our pregnancy and birth is simply to show that there are other options out there.  By NO MEANS am I one of those people who is going to preach that everything we do it correct, right, or the only way, and that everyone who chooses else-wise is wrong, but this is simply the decisions that we have made as a family and what is going to work best for us.  Everyone is different and free to make their own decisions but I figure knowing options and doing your own research just might help others make up their mind for what works best for them (as they did for me).

Is there anything specific you guys would like to hear about?  Or have any of you actually GONE through the situations above?  I would love to hear from you!


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  1. I would LOVE to hear about your natural birth and about your decisions about vaccinations! So many parents just go with what everyone else is doing, and they don't really understand the dangers of vaccines and conventional birth. So happy to hear about your experience when it comes!

  2. Bravo to you! Keep informing yourself and go with what your gut says is right for you and your family. I love it when a woman makes informed choices.

  3. Your plans are amazing and you are so brave to go natural, and stay green. One piece of advice that I can give, one parent to another, it is important to make plans, but don't be disappointed if things don't work out the way you want or if you have to change or tweek things (I had to), having children and being a parent is SO unpredictable and you shouldn't feel like a failure because your plans didn't go the way you envisioned them.

  4. I had a natural birth center birth myself, so I'd love to hear anything and everything about that. Have you decided which Dallas birth center yet? We're hoping to do a birth center if/when we go for baby #2.

    And if you're looking for a birth class/method, I used Hypnobabies and I am a HUGE fan. Here's my birth story if you're interested: http://www.reallifenotes.com/hypnobabies-natural-birth-story/


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