
Quick update (bc we're almost finished!)

2:02 PM

I don't have a ton to share today since 99% of the condo is done and I want to unveil its glory all at once, but finishing touches are definitely being made.

Chris and his dad are building the barn door for the master/laundry.

Here's another look at the back...
Or maybe thats the front, Im not 100% sure... either way it looks great!

And we decided to keep it simple and just paint it the same color as the other doors.
We had debated using a grey, rustic wood, or perhaps even staining it, but in the end I thought all the other options would fight everything that we had already done (ie. matching/not matching the floor or the stain not matching the butcher block wood tone), so Im happy with the white!  Just can't wait to see it hung up!

We also got the lighting fixture hung up... so thats nice.
Home Depot: $119... love it (although we still need to raise it a bit higher...)

And the kitchen finally got its backsplash.
We brought in tile guys for this just like the bathroom because its well the money if you have guys that can do a great job and save you the time and hassle. Just a white subway with grey grout but it looks great!

Here it is before the cleaned it up.
And the after...
Not too shabby!
I don't think the white subway SUPER goes with the white cabinets and marble counters, but its good enough for this flip.

Seeing what I'm seeing now, I think a grey subway would have looked a bit nicer... like this one from Home Depot at a little one $5 a sq ft.
But hey, live and learn.

In #3, I plan on doing a FANCY backsplash since we're trying our best to get super top dollar out of it (ie. if all goes well, it will sell for more than what we paid for our house!  Hooray Dallas housing market!)

So that's all Im going to share for now.  We could be done by TOMORROW guys! Thats crazy!  If we are, I'll do my best to have something up for you guys to see on Friday!  Fingers crossed!  Hooray for #2!

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