"Duck Egg" Desk

10:13 AM

Wow... talk about being gone for a while... sorry about that y'all... did you know how busy an 8/9 month old can keep you? Its insane! Lol,.. but I love him so its ok.

Finally, after months (and MONTHS) of not having the time or pieces to rehab, I finally found two GREAT projects I had a chance to work on over the weekend and I'm proud to share one of them with you!

I bought this cute little desk for $25 from a SMU sorority house that was moving and selling all their furniture.
It was definitely dated, but for $25 I thought it would be cute repainted.

Enter Annie Sloan Chalk paint in "Duck Egg" and trim in "Pure White".
 I kept the original drawer pulls but gave them a quick shot of silver spray paint.
 The inner drawer even came with a cute little movable divider.
 Even the back is pretty cute!
So there you have it! Cute, huh?
Even though I LUV it, I ended up selling it since it's a bit too large for our house, but still needed a good home. (Made a nice little profit too :-)

What do you guys think of it?

Oh, and when I posted it, I also had a lot of renewed interest in that cool globe I made... here's the link to that "how to": Globe Art

Thanks!  Can't wait to show you my next one!

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