Frames, frames, and more frames...

12:08 AM

Recap: So on Wednesday I told you guys how I found this awesome mirror and spray painted it white for my office.
The only thing is, it looks a bit "lonely" for my taste.

Enter HomeGoods where I picked up a few friends...
I have no clue where my obsessions with frames comes from, but I actually had about 80% of these laying around the house before this project even started.  (Seriously, any time I go to HomeGoods, Chris tells me to "avoid the frames"... .... ... I must have a hearing problem...)

Once I had everything laid out, I put my blood, sweat, and tears (AND a broken nail... which made me scream like a mo-fo) into putting everything up.
Seeing this totally made my disfigured thumb worth it.
In addition to frames, I also put up the Ramsign that I received for hosting their giveaway.
Seriously, its adorable.  I know it looks black in this picture but its actually a dark hunter green and I love the porcelain its made out from!  Great quality! They also have some fan-freakin-tastic address signs on their site if you are interested.  I chose this little circle one with "56" since that was my volleyball number from high school and club and Chris's baseball number (random, I know!)
Also with the frames, was this cute little hand-painted 4x4 square of the Golden Gate bridge that Chris and I picked up two weeks ago when we were in San Fran from a street vendor.
The guy was so cute and actually painting everything himself as we looked around (instead of everything being a mass produced copy), that we just couldn't resist.  I likey.
So this is now the view from my desk.
Yes, I realize that I work from home and that my two awesome Restoration Hardware chairs will probably go unsat much of the time, but I still like the look of them.

In regards to the frames and whatnot, as you can probably see 75% of them don't have anything in them yet.  I plan on putting up pictures as well as cute little framing crafts, which will keep me busy and off the streets (Chris says keeping my "street walking" to a minimum is important)

Anyway, what do you guys think?  Do you like the look of a whole bunch of random frames? Would you have done all the same frames? Would you have put up something completely different? Do you also have a store that you HAVE to buy something every time you're there?

Have a great weekend!

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  1. I like the frames. I have frame problems too but c'mon, when they are less than $5 each (normally, or at least when I typically buy), who can no?!?! I have a collection too and last week I finally finished spray painting them all white. I normally am a girl who doesn't care if they are all matchy matchy but for my daughter's room, I thought I'd try to do an all white photo collage like on Young House Love. The other rooms in my house don't match and I like it. I think the small collection of other non-frame items is what makes your wall more special, especially the randomness that you and your hubby both had the number 56 as jersey numbers and that painting is adorable. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Looks fantastic! I love the mirror so much. It looks great in your office. Megan

  3. I like the frames. If you get sick of them you could always pick one accent color and spray them all the same.

  4. I like the frames. I pick up a lot of them from the "dump store," i.e. the give-and-take area at our transfer station. They're free!! :) I haven't done much with them yet, though.

  5. I definitely like this frame look. Although I would probably paint them all the same color but thats just my style.


  6. It's been too long since I've stalked you on your blog! I love the mirror and frames. So cute :) Tava says hi to you and Chris!

  7. I pick up something...anything...from TJMaxx on EVERY visit...its getting bad.
    Maybe you should paint all the frames white to match the mirror so everything looks a little more cohesive and a little less random. Just a thought.

  8. Oohhh Yes TJMaxx Totally or Marshall's, also a very fun place to go look, wish, and get stuff at for a pretty good price is Nebraska Furniture Mart love that place. We have one about 30 mins from where we currently live or less. It is such a big place. They have expensive stuff, cheap but good stuff, and fairly decent priced stuff. Rugs, furniture, lighting from floor lamps to ceiling lamps, office furniture, entry way decor, electronics, EVERYTHING! They even have a place where you can design a room you want with paint, furniture, decor, and etc. Then they price it out and give you the total. They also do car automatic start system installations there. Wow, I said too much. Anyways pretty cool place.


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