Before and afters of Condo #2

12:05 PM

Hey all... thanks for baring with me on getting these out to you!  I've tried pairing these a bunch of different ways to make the most sense but since I have a lot more "afters" then comparable side by sides, I wanted to do it like this, but I'm going to try something different.

See...would have just a post of easy viewing side by sides looked great?  I'll try that for #3 and do a better job of matching up the before and afters... in the mean time, I'll show you a room of the before and then different views of the after...

Like in the living room.
And the dining room example I just showed you:
And the Kitchen
The bathroom:
The tub/shower:
Master/master closet
and my personal favorite... the laundry:
Here it is, zoomed out so you can see the awesome barn door the Chris made and installed:
and back out the master looking toward the living:
Ugh, goodness this place turned out awesome!!

And we MAY have some good news about it, but I don't want to jinx anything yet, so keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram (LittleHouseintheBigD) about that :-)

Well, what do you think? If you want the full before and after walk through, here it is one more time :-)
and After:
Yay!  Updates on #3 coming soon!!!

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  1. Can I ask where ya'll got the bottom mount bracket guide for the barn door - did ya'll buy it separately or fabricate it yourselves? Would that bracket on the barn side scratch up the back of the door? Just trying to figure out if that would work for us since we just painted a barn door but the guide mount for the floor won't work for us since we are mounting out door with a 2" clearance off the ground.

    1. This is what we used:

      Then we put rubber bumpers against the wall mounted bracket to prevent scratching of the door... hope this helps! Its worked wonderful for us!


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