Hahaha... jk...

9:59 AM

Oh life... so silly.

For all 5 of you who still actually read this blog, I have a bit of an updated on our housing addition project.

Yep, just as I told y'all that we were putting up a second story, planned for this Spring (as in this year, 2016), Chris and I have decided to put that project on hold... for something even better.

But first, let me backtrack.  We still have plans to do the 2nd story but the more and more we thought about layout, ideas, finishes, etc, all we could see were $$$.  We knew it would be a great opportunity to really make the house EXACTLY how we wanted it, and didn't want to skip out on any features for the sake of saving a buck now, if only to redo it 5 years down the road.  If I'm going to tear the roof off my house and move out for 6-9 months, I want the thing PERFECT! So, a project that we were hoping was going to cost somewhere around the $120K mark, was pushing $150-$200k.  Yikes.

Also, Chris and I are not rich (...I'll pause for you collect yourself after that shocking statement...).

One of the hesitations we had about moving out was spending additional money on rent in addition to paying out mortgage while our house was being redone.  Rent for a house in our area can go for around $3,000 a month (which we do NOT have the budget for) so more than likely we were going to have to move into an apartment or condo.

Since Chris and I had a little saved, enough for a VERY small down payment on a VERY cheap condo, we decided that was the direction we should take.  Especially since we both loath the idea of paying "rent" and never getting it back opposed to a mortgage.

So, that is where I will leave you for now... on the fact that we are were looking.
Very exciting news coming down the pipeline... can't wait to share more about this new little adventure ;-)

P.S.- Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year... man, I've been gone way too long.

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  1. Congrats on the decision to buy a condo, and hopefully the purchase! I was looking back on your house plans and just had a comment.

    It doesn't look like you have any closets/mud area space at either door coming in on the first floor. That might be a detail you didn't draw in, but have already considered. If not, it would be very handy, especially as the kids grow and need a spot for backpacks, lunches, sports equipment and such when school begins.

    In general, the plans look wonderful and you're sure to enjoy the completed project for years to come.

    1. YES! Trust me, i am DYING for a mudroom or storage right when you walk in. We are having a bit of an issue with the easement from the city (we have to be 25ft back from the curb and right now we are 24.8ft). I REALLY want a front porch and to reconfigure the front door area right when you walk in, but unless we can get a variance, we are going to have to rework that idea. Now that we are going to remodel a condo, we actually have some more time to change up our plans until we decide to pull the trigger!

  2. I thought you were going to say you had another baby!

    1. Oh goodness, just the two for right now! Collins is only 7 months old so let's give my ovaries a tiny little break lol... here's his birth story in case you missed it! http://www.littlehouseinthebigd.com/2015/07/my-all-natural-water-birth.html

  3. Look forward to your next update ...Good Luck

  4. I was wondering what was happening. Thanks for the update! This is going to be fun to follow. :)

  5. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! We just had our offer accepted yesterday on my dream house. I'm so excited to start making it ours. Your blog is such an inspiration to me too. PS. Do you know of a tile auction place in Houston? Do you rent Chris out for manual labor? :D


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