Deep in the Heart of Texas... kids desk redo!

2:47 PM

In addition to Brooks getting a new little brother, I found a small little kids desk on a Facebook yard sale page that I thought would be just perfect for our new "big" boy. 

 He really needed a space to color and have a him-sized area, other than his highchair.
 The top was in pretty rough shape with all sorts of marker and crayon stains, but it was still a nicely made, solid-wood desk, so naturally, I thought of painting it.
 I was thinking maybe thick, navy and white rugby stripes, but decided to try Pinterest to see if anything tickled my fancy.

Sadly, nothing was really speaking to me, until I saw this:
"America,... **ck yay!" - Team America: World Police (2004)

 I showed the idea to Chris, who liked it, but then had a better idea.  "Why not do a Texas flag?".

Yea, why not? We already have a superiority complex living in Dallas, let's deck out our son's desk to make it official?! - (said the Arizona/Oklahoma/Connecticut transplant)
I kid you not, this is a "thing" here...
So the next day, during nap time, I started by giving everything 2 solid coats of primer (those marker stains were stubborn).
I was unsure how I was going to do the star, since I needed it to be 6" and wasn't sure if I should stencil something or find a sticker, or what... I ended up getting REALLY lucky with a Google search and after cutting it out and painting the seat "Pure White" by Annie Sloan, I drew my around my stencil.
To-Da, indeed.
I then spent the next 4 hours 20 minutes carefully edging my star with the finest small brush I had... honestly, it turned out pretty good.
Next was tackling the layout for different color portions of the flag.  Sad to say, this involved some math (measuring the desk, determining the ratios of the flag, etc).  So, naturally, it took up the bulk of my time....
However, once I started to get everything painted ("Primer Red" and "Napoleon Blue", both by Annie Sloan) it really started to come together.
All that was left was to wax...
PS - after I took this picture, I determined that the Annie Sloan brushes are not for me... They were too streaky and uneven so I went back to using my fine, "great" quality brush for painting and a paper towel for waxing... MUCH better finish!
After all was said and done, I was in love.
 We put it in Brooks' room between the closets, and it looks like it was just MEANT for the space.

 So much, yes.
 And Brooks?  Well, he is a big fan.
Its crazy to think he is almost 2!! And enough of a "big boy" to get his own desk... Love that little man.

So what do you think?  Here's the before and after.
It feels good to be back "project"ing again!!  I would love to hear your thoughts on this piece!


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  1. This is the cutest project!!! You did such a wonderful job on this. The stars and the lines look perfect.
    I love it!

  2. It's perfect! I have that exact chair so I am on the hunt for the desk now. So glad you are back to blogging!

  3. Love the desk and the personalization ofit❤
    Great job


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