Saving Money Monday: Week 2(ish)

9:42 AM

Hey all!!

Sorry for the random 2 week gap!  Work is crazy busy and Brooks has now decided that he wants to stay awake until 10:30p and act like we've been feeding him sugar cubes (we haven't).  Plus, he is now "on the move".  Right now, the only direction is backwards, but hey, moving is moving. Putting him down in the living room and two seconds later finding him pushing himself backwards into the kitchen has made multitasking near impossible.  We're also in the super fun "put everything you can grab in your mouth" phase and if an entire day passes without him almost choking on a random piece of paper, I consider the day a win.  So between him attempting to push himself into the fireplace and finding an old receipt from 2011 that he wants to turn into a chew toy,  it leaves my time to blog somewhere between the hours of midnight and 6am. Hooray kid(s)! (*bonus point to you moms out there if you have more than one... you brave, brave souls)

The good news is I have a series of blog post coming up for your viewing pleasure so PLEASE stick with me... ... ... together, we will get Brooks to his 1st birthday alive and well (as you can tell, I have very low goals for parenting... keeping him living is pretty much my #1 and only)

So without further adieu, here is another Money Saving Monday in my never ending attempt to keep costs/spending down:

Join a local buy/sell private Facebook Group
Folks, if you arent apart of a group like this yet, get ready for your life to be changed!!

It started out with a recommendation from a friend (hi Sally!) regarding a private Facebook group of local moms buying and selling used kids toys, clothes, carriers, etc.  The first time I bought a handful of barely used outfits for Brooks for $5, I was hooked.  It's basically like one giant, everyday yard sale but with local people you know and trust.

You can get everything from cute kids accessories...
$5 for my child to look adorable? Ok furniture...
...I missed out on this deal by MINUTES... $5?!! Ugh!
...and  stuff that you didn't even know you wanted but suddenly HAVE to HAVE!
My life will not be complete until I OWN a bouncy house...
It's also a great way to MAKE some money too!  Are you cleaning out your closet and found some old date-party dresses from college? Sell them to someone who will actually wear them!
It's been 6 years Samm... let the dresses go...
Best way to find a group in your area?  Do a basic Facebook search found at the top of your Facebook page:
Next, try just typing in your city or neighborhood name with some keywords like "sell", "exchange", or "yard sale" and see what pops up!
With some groups that are listed as "secret" or "closed", you may have to request to join the group so an admin can verify that you live in the area and whatnot, but over all they should be pretty easy to find. 

Honestly, I have used these groups to buy anything and everything for myself and my family which has saved us a ton!  $200 set of jeans that someone wore once?  Mine now for $10... A $275 seat/rocker for Brooks? (psh, like I would EVER pay that much for a baby seat)  $50 and a ride in the washing machine made it brand new.  Last minute game day tickets for half of face value?  Don't mind if we do.

These opportunities ARE out there so don't be afraid to look and be sure to get involved!! Can't find a group in your neighborhood?  START ONE!! Spread the word with other moms and you will be amazed how quickly you will be buying and selling stuff without every having to leave your house.

I hope this helps!!  Anyone out there in a group like this and equally as addicted?  In case you missed last week, here's the link to week 1's Money Saving Money!


P.S- Oh, and here's a quick pic of my little backwards skoocher/paper eating/awake and adorable little guy in one of the hats that I got from another mom as seen above.
Ugh, this kid kills me... I love him so much... sorry internet, not sorry
P. P. S- Shout out to my new friend Carrie who came over to say hi to Chris, Brooks, the pups and myself while we were walking around White Rock Lake!  You have no idea how much it made my day to have someone stop what they are doing and tell me they enjoy reading this blog.  You made me feel like a celebrity for all of 5 minutes and put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.  Your quick act of kindness was very much appreciated :-)

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  1. Brooks is adorable!! I'm a part of several FB groups and they're awesome. We scored a changing table that was in excellent condition for $25 and it matches our crib perfectly. I've also sold and given away some great things on there too. Great tips.

  2. Hi new friend! You make me feel so special! :)
    Brooks is so dashing.

    See you around!


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