TV above the fireplace???

11:09 AM


Something that was a "certain" has now turned into a "?"

As we told y'all on this post here about our new layout, we had planned to mount the TV above the fireplace.

From this:

To this:
 Increasing seating area and over all flow of the room.

Chris had ordered a wall mount off Amazon and last Friday it finally came in!!   It was actually the same day we put in our new rug so we figured we might as well throw the mount up too since we were getting stuff done! (and by "we" I mean "Chris"... I'm a little busy growing a human being but I can definitely help with "suggestions" of projects!!... ie. "We should do this now... its not what I want, its what your SON wants")

We took one more look at our pretty mantel place before clearing it off.
 Next step was finding the studs to install the wall mount... kinda tricky when its above a fireplace.
 After a couple tries, we found what we "thought" were studs, or at least what the stud-finder told us where studs, and did a little preemptive drilling to make sure we were hitting wood.
 Spoiler alert: the stud finder LIES!!!
See that red in the hole? Yea, thats the brick from the fireplace.
 Saying it was a major let down was an understatement.

What where our other options?  Where else could we put the TV and have it make sense?  The answer: no where.  It NEEDED to go above the fireplace.

However, since we were moving stuff around anyway, Chris took the TV on its shelf mount and put it up where we originally wanted it to see how it would look.  Maybe we wouldn't like it.
 Ugh, it looks great.  Not to mention it made our 42" TV seem HUGE.  My suggestion was to have it come down from the ceiling with a ceiling mount, much like we have in our sun room.  Chris was on the fence since that would be a LOT more work for him and wouldn't look as clean as having it simply mounted to the wall.

We decided play with it and plugged in my computer to watch an episode or two of Arrested Development.  If we ARE going to do this (ie. mount it down from the ceiling) we wanted to make sure we wouldn't be tweaking our necks too awkwardly every time we glance at the TV.
 (side note: Chris and I love this show... its brilliant)
 So here is the exact view of how it feels looking at the TV from the perspective of the couch.
 Honestly, not bad.

And from the chair?
Chris and I both determined it wasnt too high for us and thus began the process of looking for a way to get our TV mounted through the ceiling.

As of right now, the game plan is to fixture the mount to a joist in the attic and have just a bar drop through the ceiling to keep it from being too ugly.  I also plan to have it come down through a small ceiling medallion and spray paint the bar white so it wont be a high contrast against a white ceiling.

At least that's the plan for now.  Chris's dad is coming over this weekend to help tackle it and I am very VERY nervous ("putting holes in our ceiling? sure, why not?").

Please say a prayer for us.  I'll be sure and have a good update next week!!

Has anyone ever tried something like this?  Nice things with positive stories are highly appreciated!


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  1. You have talented help! I've seen the projects Chris and your dad have accomplished before and I'm not worried for you. You may even paint half the bar white (up top) and then the blue where it is against the wall. It will blend in.

  2. I've never done it, but have seen it done a few times successfully.

  3. Could you make the mantel wider, and leave the TV on its stand? Or could you mount a piece of wood, mount the TV to the wood, and frame it out? Like this: (not my pin, just found something like what I was trying to describe). I think it would give the benefit of being able to hide cables/wiring.

  4. mine just sits on our mantel, but I think it's a bit wider than yours.

  5. Beautiful fireplace. I just love them. I had a big size royal style fireplace in our old house. I am going to get another fireplace for my new house. Recently I have seen some beautiful fireplace designs on internet at Nagle Fireplace website. They are providing some beautiful designs.

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