Our first set back...

8:40 AM

Hey all!

Ok I totally planned to have a full update for you today on our brand new floors, but unfortunately, working 8a-8:30p at this work trade show is really kicking my butt and my downtime is in the negative.

However, I will share a quick pic of our first kitchen setback...Keepin' it real.

We (aka Chris and his his dad) did an AWESOME job of laying the thinset and our beautiful 3x6 travertine pavers and everything was looking great. That was until we discovered the thinset was bad (it somehow got wet) and 2/3 of our tile was coming back up.... Sooooo we had to redo it all.


Yes, a setback, but better finding out now and fixing it rather than having the issue later on down the road.

Anyone else have a renovation setback? We can't be the only ones with a little hiccup...

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