Quick little update before the holiday weekend

2:27 PM

So lights are in, plumbing is fixed, and all the last minute prep is happening before walls actually go up.

Header and framing of the kitchen/dining room walk through is up, new, and looking sexy.
Ugh, Im so glad we got ride of that pantry... I think its going to make such a difference when you can turn the corner from the front door and look straight into that beautiful kitchen.

Speaking of the kitchen, all the electrical, new lights, and outlets are up and functional...
And the fireplace is put back together and ready for drywall.
Probably the most exciting thing that has happened so far is our drywall actually being delivered this morning!!
And there's a ton of it!  In every room....
You forget how much drywall you actually need when your condo HAS NO WALLS...
Master and laundry...
Since drywalling a place takes multiple people, multiple hours, we are actually hiring out this step to a group of great guys my brother-in-law works with.  It's going to cost us about $3,500 (yikes) which I know is a lot but it covers materials, hanging the drywall, tape/bed, and texture/finish out. And since that takes a LOT of time, the money is worth it so Chris can spend his valuable weekend time to spend with me and the kids and not working at the condo.  Hooray!

Hope you all have a fun and safe Fourth of July!! 


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